Father of Flair

Shaun Maple

Shaun has been cycling his entire life. And he is a very playful person. Put those two things together and you get the spark for Helmet Flair. He spent ten years working with kids of all ages in outdoor education and classrooms. Kids look to adults to learn how to be good humans. Adults look to kids to remind them of the value of play.

After running an IT support company for 8 years, Shaun hopped on his 40 foot sailboat to explore the seas while contemplating the next mission. After three years, it was clear that the world needed Helmet Flair. Development began in December of 2019. Now the main focus is to bring safety and play together. Get outside. Express yourself.


Flair Fairy

Jessica Maple

Jess has been crushing the pow for 30 years now. She spent 15 years running the Mountain Sun, the most iconic brewery in Boulder, CO. As the Flair Fairy, she is responsible for Operations and Marketing at Helmet Flair.

She enjoys Jasmine Pearl tea in the mornings, sipping water all day long and doing fun stuff with people she loves. Certainly a keeper.


The Official Helmet Flair Tandem


Like the lovely waitress who asks if you'd like a 'warm up' on your coffee, Flo gives out those classic vibes of a time of when gas was leaded and typewriters didn't have correction tape. Yeah, that's Flo.

 She's originally from Topeka KS and has been enjoying her new home in Boulder CO. She is also enjoying her total rebuild with new chains, new paint job, tassels and rad lights. She crushes the Thursday Night bike ride like a boss. We ❤️ her.